Thank you to all our Veterans

Let’s take time to remember our Veterans today. The members of our armed services are willing to lay down their lives to protect our country. Even if you are not happy with the way things are going in the United States right now, it is still our homeland, and they are sworn to protect it so we can rest easier.

Let’s stop the in-fighting. Veterans are not out there risking their lives to come home to a country where it is red versus blue, and the term political opponent has been replaced with the word enemy. Let’s remember that some people may say they are willing to kill people in the name of our country, but they are not swearing to die for it. That’s a dangerous imbalance.

Terre Vici has a commitment to our planet and everyone who lives on it. That’s why, earlier this year, we held a fundraiser at two of our shows. I will have a final tally of donations for you soon, but it is good! The money will be donated to the DAV and the Gary Sinese Foundation, two charities that work hard to promote the health and well-being of the members of our armed forces.

We thank you all for your service, Veterans. And we are working hard to make this country the example of compassion and equality, because you are doing the same.


Happy Thanksgiving!


Halloween is almost upon us!