Happy Thanksgiving!

Did anybody else notice that the same people who complain about the war on Christmas are the same people who complain that we start marketing for Christmas too early, i.e. no Christmas music till after Thanksgiving! You know who I blame for this? Abraham Lincoln.

Think about it; if ol’ Honest Abe hadn’t declared the fourth Thursday in November Thanksgiving, none of this would be happening. In Canada they celebrate Thanksgiving on the second Monday in October. And most other countries celebrate their own versions of Thanksgiving earlier in the autumn or late summer, too.

So all those other countries embrace November as the Christmas shopping season, no conflicts of interest involved. But us as Americans, we are left to forever duke it out… is it too early to celebrate… is it not early enough… is Thanksgiving being overlooked… how dare anyone sing Jingle Bells while the cranberries are cooking!

Sigh… we are truly a house divided.


Wow, six months have flown by!


Thank you to all our Veterans