Howdy Folks!
So it's that time of year when we are all getting gettin abit cabin fever!!! so come on out and joins for our Des Moines New Age & Psychic fair Springtime show 2022!!
We here at #desmoinesnewageshop are holding our #Springtime #desmoinesnewage&psychicfair & #metaphysicalartexhibition on March 26th & 27th!!!!
We are once again out at the Iowa state fairgrounds in the Paul R. Knapp Animal Learning Center
Fair dates & hours:
Saturday, March 26th, 10 am to 7 pm
Sunday, March 27th, 10 am to 5 pm
$5 admission, kids 12 years old and under get free admission.
We have Psychics, Merchants, Artists, Healers, Performers from all over that have come to Des Moines to be part of this event. We are excited and blessed to have these folks and we invite you all to come on out and share this experience !!
We will also have a DJ for this event, a Spirit Gallery with our Psychic Medium each day and more!
We also have Artists Alley, Facilitated by Dean Sturtevant #greenunicornart , filled with local artisans & crafters.